Friday, December 23, 2011

The Count Down Begins

Well it is approximately 20 days until our big move! As many have heard, Andrew and myself (Olivia) are travelling about 2500km up North to a mining town, (population 3000) called Weipa. 

If you have no idea where that is, visualise the very top of Queensland, veer down the Western side about 6 hours drive (of course that's assuming the roads are not flooded) and you will have arrived!

We are very excited about our move and the change of life it will bring! Weipa has a lot to offer- whilst it will not have the comforts of city life, it does have every imaginable outdoor activity you can think of- fishing, camping, footy, tennis, hunting, boating, 4WDing, archery, off road go-carting(woohoo!), golf, lawn bowls and swimming. Which is preferably done in the local pool rather than the nearby beach- because apparently the locals there are not too friendly! Eg. Crocs and sharks! I've had to remind Andrew numerous times that he will actually be going there to teach, not just spend his days exploring outdoor adventures! 

For those that do not know, I will be teaching year 4, and Andrew will be teaching high school PE. And already, we feel welcomed and supported! Our lovely 'travel buddy' Pauline has been so helpful and didn't hesitate to offer us all the things we might need when we get there! This is because we will be arriving about 10 days before our container of furniture arrives. It has to make the long road trip to Cairns and then the sea sick journey around the Cape on a barge- as the one access road to Weipa from Cairns is closed January to May due to the rising creek levels. However, luckily, our Holden Rodeo, 'Horton' will be there to meet us on arrival- so I might just have to hide a few creature comforts in him, to tie us down until our stuff arrives! :) 

So that's a little intro to what's coming up for us in the New year. I'm sure the next few weeks will go very fast and it will be hard to say goodbye, but we feel incredibly blessed to have this opportunity and are very excited about the changes and challenges ahead! 

We will do our best to update our blog regularly and keep everyone informed about our life far, far away! 

That's all for now!
Olivia and Andrew 

1 comment:

  1. Wowee, part of me fears for your lives and part of me (the bigger part I think) wishes I was coming too! You guys will definitely be in our prayers and we look forward to hearing from you as you journey on.
    Here's a short verse I came across...
    "Beware the rider of the ute,
    never was there one so astute.
    High and low he would travel,
    upon a road made of gravel.
    Appearing charming it would seem,
    though to ride in a rodeo was his dream."
    For any further verses consult the author who I think goes by the name of 'Chrissy'!
